الثلاثاء، 18 أكتوبر 2016

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This guy found something very scary in his backyard

By: Unknown On: 4:42:00 م
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  • This is something you dont find everyday in your backyard .. but lets check it out 
    When it comes to finding random, weird things, the most terrifying place to come across them is in your own yard. It's one thing to come across freaky objects elsewhere, but when they find their way onto your property, it's so unsettling. Take what happened to Redditor ValjeanLucPicard, for example.

    ValjeanLucPicard was in his yard digging a hole to plant some flowers when he came across something weird buried in the ground.

    It was some sort of sealed glass container.

    He had to break the seal to see what was inside and found this 

    the guys called the landlord asking what he and his wife should do. When she saw what they'd found, she told them it was probably a curse left by the previous tenant and said that they should burn it all immediately.

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